The Scarborough extension, as envisioned by the province, would include stops at Lawrence East, Scarborough Town Centre and McCowan Road.
City council had previously considered building the three-stop subway, but had rejected it over cost concerns.
The change would add $1.6 billion to the latest cost estimate for building the one-stop subway. Ford said Wednesday that the province is willing to pay the entire cost of the Scarborough extension if need be.
The estimated completion date for the project would be 2029-2030, according to the province.
Yonge North Subway extension
Ford said the extension of Line 1 along Yonge Street from Finch Station to Richmond Hill Centre would be fast-tracked so that it is built concurrently with the Ontario Line.
Various levels of government have committed to eventually building the extension, but the TTC has said that it would not make sense to do so until there is a relief line, as the extension would likely add passengers to an already overwhelmed subway line.
Ford said the $5.6 billion project would only open after the proposed Ontario Line is built.
Eglinton Crosstown West
The provincial plan would alter the planned Eglinton West LRT project so that the line is buried between Royal York Road and Martin Grove Road.
The project would cost $4.7 billion with an estimated completion date of 2031.
The province said that it would like to ultimately connect the line to the airport, but that part is not planned currently.
First part of subway upload coming this spring
The province also says that it will split a planned upload of the TTC subway system into two parts. The first part of the upload would give the province responsibility for building all new subway infrastructure. The province says legislation will be introduced this spring to make that happen.
Discussions would then continue with the city about the upload of existing subway infrastructure, with an aim of introducing legislation to do so sometime next year.
According to a recent report by city staff, the city has already spent roughly $224 million over the past few years on planning for priority transit projects.
It’s not clear how much of that planning is still relevant given the provincial changes. However Ford said Wednesday that none of that work will have been wasted.
“We’re going to utilize every bit of the planning,” he told reporters.
Province says it can build faster, cheaper
According to background documents, provincial officials believe for several reasons that they are better positioned to deliver major transit infrastructure projects that the city is.
Those reasons include the ability to amortize costs over long periods, streamlining of permits and approvals, and the ability to relocate utilities where need be.
“The mayor understands. He doesn’t have the funds,” Ford said.
He reiterated that while he thinks the TTC is good at operating subway systems, he doesn’t think it is good at building them.
“It’s not their fault. They just can’t get it done,” Ford said.
The province believes that it can deliver cheaper transit infrastructure more quickly by changing the delivery method from the tradition plan-bid-build model. The province said it will seek public-private partnerships to try and build some of the new transit infrastructure.
Mayor John Tory is expected to comment on the provincial plan later this afternoon.
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Written by Joshua Freeman
April 9 2019