Today I had the pleasure of connecting with a new buyer who found me online. This is a rarity in my business because 97% of my clients come from repeat and referral. She is looking into buying an investment property in Scarborough and came across my website. She reached out and we started to discuss her options.
As we got talking, I could sense the "cold arms folded" person turn into a "hugs and kisses, chat soon" person. Its a phenomenal experience to feel someones trust in you continue to grow. Especially when they don't know you or your circle.
Naturally, I had to prove I knew my facts and could represent her properly in the process. But in addition to that, there was a sense of trust that I could feel grow over the the phone call. We talked for 30 minutes after which we scheduled to meet tonight. I'm excited to see what comes of this encounter.
I'm also really overwhelmed by some of the reviews we are getting on our facebook page. Thank you to Benoit and Jordan who added to the growing list this week
“You Can’t Fake Integtiry”
What I've come to realize is if you honestly care about your clients and if you can put yourself in their shoes... that's the secret to success. That you can't fake. Its your DNA. Its your desire to serve and grow through service. its written into our corporate charter and I'm proud to be in business with the other 4 people who make up the Connexus Group... because guess what, they're coming to the business with the same mindset.
Happy 2017 everyone. In the market? Call me!
Ravi Singh was name one of the most Interesting People in Real Estate by Inman News in 2016. Award winning Realtor with ReMax Hallmark and team leader at The Connexus Group.
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